62 Tips for an Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Camping

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Written By TJ

As a mother, engineer, and environmentalist, I work to help people live sustainable lifestyles in their homes and everyday lives, one blog at a time.

An Eco-Friendly Guide to Enjoy Every Camping Trip

Camping is fun, especially with friends and family. But we must not get too lost in the fun and hamper the environment around our campsite. For that, we will need to adapt to sustainable camping.

Sustainable camping refers to the use of green(solar) energy for camping. It refers to zero-waste and recycling to protect mother nature. It also refers to choosing local over international to help the local community prosper.

The overall goal of sustainable camping is to be eco-friendly and pose no threat to nature. How do you make your camping sustainable? Follow these tips for sustainable camping.

Tips for a Sustainable Camping Trip

1.    Use Collapsible Water Bottle

One of the most common plastic waste we leave behind on campsites is plastic water bottles. Plastics can be considered the enemy of nature. You can choose collapsible water bottles like the HYDAWAY Collapsible Water Bottle or Nefeeko Collapsible Water Bottle.

2.    Rather than one-time dishes, use reusable dishes

For sustainable camping, we must respect nature. Thus, we recommend you buy some lightweight, reusable dishes for camp. If you can’t find any, then consider metal dishes for campsites. They are lightweight, durable, and can be used for many years.

3.    Keep Reusable Straws in your camping bag

We all know how harmful plastic wastes are, right? Especially for the water-based ecosystems in nature. Using this Hiware 12-Pack Reusable Stainless Steel Metal Straws with Case can be the perfect substitute for one-time plastic straws.

4.    Store Foods in Reusable Plastic containers

Store foods for your camp in reusable plastic containers. Be sure to take out the plastic wrapping of the food before you put them. You don’t have to worry about throwing the temporary plastic wrapping of the foods into nature.

Another advantage of using a plastic container is that the foods will stay secure and fresh for longer.

5.    Use Reusable Grocery Bags

Rather than using plastic bags for carrying food and camping essentials? If you take heavy-duty and reusable grocery bags, you can carry more than you could in poly bags. As a bonus, you save your camping surroundings from the torture of throw-away plastic bags.

6.    Have your toiletries stored in reusable containers

We usually take small packs of toiletries with us to camp. After using them, we typically throw away the poly pack that comes with them. This poly can end up damaging the surrounding ecosystem. Thus you should store the toiletries in reusable containers like this set of 17-piece reusable containers.

7.    Use non-toxic toiletries

Toiletries like shampoo and soaps help us clean our body and keep it fresh. However, they are not too kind towards natural life. Keep in mind that they are made of chemicals. However, non-toxic/ biodegradable toiletries do not impose any threat to the environment. Use them.

8.    Use non-toxic bug spray

To deal with mosquitoes and other pests, you will need bug spray. But do not take the traditional toxic ones. That can have a long-lasting negative impact on the surrounding natural lives. Rather than use non-toxic bug spray. If it is a mosquito you are dealing with, then apply essential oils to shield your skin.

9.    Focus on recycling

You can recycle several things such as your food wastes, plastic bottles, and plastics. It does not necessarily imply that you should do the recycling. You can take the scraps to a recycling center, and they will recycle them. This will save nature from human abuse!

10. Create new useable items out of your old camping gears

Don’t throw away your old and damaged camping gear; use them to make new stuff. Use camping rope to make a rug, key chain, dog leads, etc. You can even recycle your damaged tent to create a stylish backpack. There are many possibilities with recycling camp gears.

11. Get yourself some Solar Gears, Gadgets, and Tools

If you are focusing on sustainability, why not take advantage of the sun? Use solar gears. There are solar chargers like the Anker 21W Solar Power Charger. With this, you can charge all your electronic devices when the sun is shining bright during the day. This way you don’t have to worry about no electrical power.

12. Use electronics that come with rechargeable batteries

Always use electronics with rechargeable batteries. This will save the environment and also help you achieve sustainability. As they have rechargeable batteries, you do not have to throw away the battery. Instead, you can use the solar charger to recharge them and use them again at camp.

13. Limit use of energy, be conservative

Whether you have a solar charger or a backup generator on camp or not, you should focus on conserving energy. By doing so, you are reducing the waste of your power usage. This can indeed help you experience a sustainable camping experience.

Also, this practice can be helpful in other aspects of our urban life.

14. If possible, ditch all plastic one-time-use items from your camping gears

Ditch all one-time-use items: Ditch dry cell batteries, one-time dishes, and cups. Use reusable items like steel dishes, cups, rechargeable batteries, and plastic containers. Also, use reusable grocery bags instead of poly bags in camp.

One-time products end up as waste on campsites. Thus not using them and switching to reusable items is a step toward achieving eco-friendliness.

15. Use Biodegradable Products

Whether it is toiletries, spray, or anything else like a dish that will end up in landfills, use biodegradable products, they will degrade. They will not cause any significant harm to the surrounding ecosystem. For example, you can use bamboo dishes instead of non-degradable plastic dishes.

16. Take the zero-waste initiative

Take the zero-waste initiative to achieve eco-friendliness and sustainability in your camping experience. By zero-waste, we meant to leave no waste behind. Whether it is to cook, party, and do other things at the campsite, whatever you do, make sure that you have collected every toxic and non-biodegradable waste from the place. And then safely dump them in a trash can.

17. Prepare your foods/ snacks at home

We know that cooking on a campsite is a fun experience, but do most of the cooking at home if possible. This will save you from using excess resources on campsites. It will also prevent you from throwing cooking wastes in the natural surroundings at camp.

18. Compost your wastes

Do you know that you can create fertilizer for your garden? Just bring home all your organic waste from the campsite and place it in a compost bin. It will give you some fertilizer. You can easily use them in your home garden for better growth.

19. Always buy organic/ natural

Always buy organic products. There are many reasons you should choose organic products for camping, but here are two significant reasons. They will degrade if they end up in landfills and impose no harm. Second, you can compost your organic wastes and leftovers to make fertilizers.

20. Choose Local

If you are camping, then choose a local spot to do it. This will reduce the amount of gas you burn in your car to reach the spot and reduce your carbon footprint. This will also encourage you to explore all-natural offerings in your locality and plan for another local camp trip in the future.

21. Take an Eco-friendly Vehicle if possible

As we are on a carbon footprint, here is another tip. Use eco-friendly vehicles like bicycles (use no gas). They have no carbon footprint while driving. But you cannot go everywhere with a bike, plus the heavy luggage will make it impossible. In those cases, use a hybrid engine car. They have significantly less carbon footprint.

22. Collect Rainwater

As we discuss sustainability, we have mentioned using the sun with solar chargers. Here is another way to use nature if it is raining. Collect the rainwater and use it as a resource for camping. Many portable rainwater collectors like this Flex-Drain 37043, which can help you collect rainwater on camp.

23. Pay Attention to fire safety

Campfire is a common and popular thing for campers. However, as you are in nature, always practice fire safety. Fire can spread easily. If you are not careful to control and put out the fire, it may expand and grasp a vast area of the natural surroundings. So be sure to practice fire safety all the time.

24. Prepare Rocket Stoves at home for camp

While we are on the subject of a campfire, here is a tip for you. Prepare multiple small rocket stoves with 2X2 kinds of wood. They are simple to make and can be easily lit. They can effectively help you cook on a campsite. One of them is enough to cook a decent meal for everyone.

25. Do not leave any plastic waste behind

Do not leave any plastic waste behind on the campsite. Leaving one small plastic waste can stop you from achieving an eco-friendly camping experience with your family. Thus keep it in mind and always keep an eye on your waste.

26. Use rented camping gear

If you are not a regular camper, you can make your camping even more sustainable by saving money on camping gear. You can get the same equipment from rent rather than buying new camping gear from rent. Many individuals and organizations will be more than happy to give you their gear for rent. You need to use them carefully in the camp, that’s all.

27. Respect the wildlife

If you are camping with friends, family, and close ones, it is natural to forget about your surroundings. Keep in mind that you are outside of the city and into nature. You are surrounded by wildlife. You need to respect them for your and their safety.

Thus you should take measures to protect your camp from wild animal attacks. For example, use a bear-proof locker for storing food items.

28. Do not hamper water bodies nearby

If there is a lake or any natural water body nearby, do not dump your garbage there. It will significantly damage the ecosystem in the water. Do not shower with non-biodegradable toiletries near those water bodies either. The chemicals from those toiletries will hamper the water ecosystem too.

29. Buy Local

One of the priorities of sustainable camping is to buy from your local sellers. This will help your community to prosper. Moreover, local products tend to be cheaper and possess higher quality. They are also fresh and can deliver the same result as homemade foods.

30. Gather Firewood locally

Gather Firewood from your camp surroundings. This will reduce the burden of carrying Firewood from home. It will also keep nature safe as non-local Firewood may consist of species that may kill the trees nearby.

31. Do not throw plastic waste at the campfire

You may think throwing plastic and other organic and inorganic waste at the campfire will be convenient. But you are wrong. Throwing them directly at the campfire will cause air pollution. This can hamper the air quality of the place and inhibit the natural balance in the surrounding.

32. Grab a LifeStraw

Sustainable camping also means providing for yourself when you need it. Speaking of needs, pure drinking water is something that you must need. There is no guarantee that you will find a source of pure water in nature. So grab this LifeStraw. This straw-like filter can filter out all dirt and harmful substances from the water and provide you with pure drinking water.

33. Instant Shower Room

Here is a tip for you to provide some privacy in your sustainable camping: an instant shower room. It is tall enough to mount a gravity-fed shower bag inside, and it can give you complete privacy to enjoy your private time in peace.

34. Gravity-fed shower

Rather than relying on an electrical pump shower, use this gravity-fed shower bag for sustainable camping. This shower bag can store up to 5 gallons of water. With the built-in hose, you can enjoy a clean shower. It uses gravity, so there is no need to worry about electrical power. You have to refill the bag and mount it in a high place.

35. Portable Toilet

When nature calls, you know you can’t hold it much longer. You will need to let go of it and finish your business. But leaving your human waste out in the open can potentially damage the balance in nature. So use this portable toilet, Camco 41549 Portable 5-Gallon Toilet Bucket, with these Camco Toilet Waste Bags.

36. Do not leave your trash/ waste in the open

When you are done camping and returning home, leave the campsite as it was. Meaning leaves no trace behind. Dump all your wastes and garbage in the recycle bin nearby. Usually, those recycle bins are animal (bear) proof. Thus it is safe to dispose of them there.

37. Use biodegradable and non-toxic sunscreen

If you are camping near a lake, you will swim in it, right? Well, then you would use sun cream. But do not use non-biodegradable sun cream. Use biodegradable sun cream. The cream won’t hamper the ecosystem in the water body.

38. Do not feed the animals

As you are camping in the wild, it won’t be out of the ordinary to get visited by many curious animals and creatures. You may want to feed some of them because they look cute. But we suggest you do not do that. That is because human food is not part of their diet. Consuming human foods can upset their digestive system. So do not feed the animals.

39. Don’t pick flowers

Nature has its way of showing how beautiful it is, and flowers are one of them. But flowers are not meant to be picked off without any sense.

To be an eco-friendly camper, do not pick flowers. Instead, enjoy its beauty for as long as you can.

40. Don’t cut trees for Firewood

We did mention that you should gather Firewood from the surroundings of your camp. But did we mention how? Whatever you do, just do not cut down trees. Use dead branches on the ground and unused by any creatures for a campfire. This will prevent you from actively hurting any wildlife by making campfires.

41. Bring a shovel

If possible, then put a shovel in your camping gear collection. The shovel can be of more than one use in the camp. It can help you dig deep to throw all organic wastes from your camp. Or it can also be used to cover up your human waste (poop) with dirt after you have finished.

42. Chose shoes with soft soles

As an eco-friendly camper, you must not disturb the grass while exploring. This means that you should consider buying a shoe that is kind to the grass and ground. In that case, get a pair of shoes with soft soles. They will not disturb the grass and allow you to explore, hike, and walk freely without more profound thoughts.

43. Bring a portable stove

If you have space in your camping luggage, then fit in a portable propane stove and some propane gas cans. This will prevent you from burning trees/ dead branches for cooking on a campsite. Although wood is carbon neutral, it may not be an efficient choice for cooking. But a portable propane stove will help you with efficient cooking.

44. Utilize clothesline

Isn’t using green energy part of sustainable camping? Then think of using a clothesline to utilize the power of the sun and wind to work as your clothes dryer. As you are in the open, your clothes will take less time to dry in this method. Also, it is free and poses no threat to nature.

45. Do not bring extra electronics

The goal of camping is to be far from urban life and enjoy nature. We will admit that electronics like your smartphone, lantern, and fan are necessary. But you should minimize their use and not bring any excess electronics with you.

46.WaterLily Turbine charger

If you are planning to camp near a waterbody with powerful currents, you might want to consider having this WaterLily Turbine Charger gear in your collection. A portable water turbine uses the water current to generate electricity and charge your phone.

47. Portable Wind Turbine

Since we have mentioned water turbines for sustainable camping, here is another turbine tip. Get this portable wind turbine charger. This will come in handy when you are not camping near a water body. This turbine uses the wind current rather than the water current.

48.No need of using a detergent

There is no need to use detergent on campsites to wash your clothes. You can just wash them with water from the lake and adequately wash them with detergent after getting home. This will save the nearby ecosystem from the abuse of detergent and chemicals, especially if they are non-biodegradable.

49. It is okay to skip a shower

It is OK to skip a shower for one or two days while camping. You are at camp with your loved ones, not at a high-profile party where you have to keep appearances. Besides, skipping showers will reduce the use of toiletries. This will indeed contribute to eco-friendliness and sustainability.

50. Keep reusable stashing bags at your disposal

Keep a set of silicone stasher bags at your disposal. These are reusable. The advantage of these stasher bags is that they can help you store your food leftovers from campsites. You can bring them home and place them in the refrigerator.

51. Do not camp far from the designated spot

It is advised to camp at the designated camping spots. That is because outside of the designated spots, wildlife might have grown. You need to respect the wildlife and keep your boundaries for their safety.

So do not go too far wandering around the designated camp spots. If possible, keep your camp close to other campers.

52. Keep your vehicle in the tracks

Going to a car camp can be a fun experience. But it is not eco-friendly as you are burning fuel and leaving a carbon footprint behind. However, you can minimize the damage you cause to nature by keeping the car in the tracks rather than driving straight through the green.

53. Use products made from recycling

Sustainable camping includes recycling. But you can take part in this recycling effort even before going to camp. How so? By buying camping gears made out of recycled materials.

Buying products made from recycled materials will also encourage companies to recycle more, and there will be less waste left.

54.BioLite CampStove

It is usual for using wood to cook and warm up the campsite. But using too much wood can actually hamper the air around there. Also it will be inefficient to use too much wood. Thus use this BioLite CampStove. It is a portable stove with a USB fan to boost efficiency.

55.PackLite Hero 2-in-1 Supercharger

Being sustainable means to make the best out of your resources and also be efficient about all resources and space. This PackLite Hero 2-in-1 Supercharger is all about these things. It is compact, can function as a flashlight, powerbank and it also uses the sun to charge up.

56. UCO Sweetfire Strikable Fire Starter

If you are planning to burn wood and create an old-school camp fire in your camp-site, then we suggest you use this. This is a fire-starter made with renewable bi-fuels. THus they impose less harm on the environment.

57. Keep your pes in lease

Whether you have a dog, or a cat, you must always keep them on a lease in a campsite and never let go. Letting them loose will allow them to run free and they may end up damaging the surroundings. Worst case scenario, they may get lost.

58.Cotopaxi Hielo 12L Cooler Bag

Sustainability includes the usage of recycled products and goods. Use this Cotopaxi Hielo 12L Cooler Bag for your camping. It is made with recycled materials, thus contributing to sustainable camping.

59. OUTDOOR LIVING SUNTIME Folding Portable Mesh Chair

Take this OUTDOOR LIVING SUNTIME Folding Portable Mesh Chair at your camp for a relaxing camping experience. It is a foldable chair that saves a lot of space in your camp gear, thus making your luggage more efficient and sustainable.

60. Vaude Uni Campo Compact XT 2-Person-Tent

Take this Vaude tent with you for sustainable camping. This tent is made of recycled materials. Using recycled products is part of sustainability. Thus this Vaude tent is promoting sustainability.

61. VAUDE Gamplut 250 Syn – Flexible mummy sleeping bag

Vaude has always been strict about environment-friendliness. Thus using their products made from sustainable and recycled materials adds up to your efforts of sustainability. Include this VAUDE Gamplut 250 Syn – Flexible mummy sleeping bag in your camp gears.

62. Keep yourself checked

No matter how many sustainable products you may use, not keeping yourself checked can make all of them fail. Thus you should keep your own behavior checked.


So these were all the tips we had to share on achieving sustainable and eco-friendly camping. Sustainable camping is a good call for eco-friendliness. It will save nature from our abuse and give us a chance to experience true camping and get more connected to nature.

It is high time that we adapt to sustainable camping. The tips that we have mentioned above will help you regarding this matter.

Try your best to follow these tips, especially those that focus on not leaving any waste behind on the campsite. If you are carelessly having fun on camp, it can cause severe waste damage to the surroundings. So please be cautious while you camp. Happy Camping!